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Fund our Album!!

We need  YOUR help!!

We  are only halfway through our demo, and have plenty more songs to record!!  We want to bring all of you an amazing album, so drop some dough, and be a part of history!

Here's how to help:

Just click the link, Donate $5, or more if you   want ;) and we'll send you a copy of the demo so far!!  Plus, we will send you a digital copy of each song as we finish it as a thank you for your awesomeness!!  Click Here: 

PayPal ButtonPayPal Button

But wait! there's more!!

Not only will you get a digital copy, but everyone who donates will get a youtube video, from us, thanking them!  Plus a drawing from one of us!! Tell us your favorite animal and we'll do a shitty drawing of it and mail it to you!!!

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